As amended at the General Meeting in Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 22nd, 2012.
- The major objective of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) is to organise scientific meetings, at regular intervals, in order to exchange information on developments in the fields of veterinary epidemiology and economics. The Society may undertake such other related activities as the General Committee and/or the International Management Committee consider appropriate.
- The ISVEE is controlled by the General Committee, which consists of all members of the Society present at the General Meeting. This committee may set broad guidelines for the management of the ISVEE, and modify the statutes as noted below.
- The Society meetings shall take place at intervals of three years and, insofar as possible, consecutive meetings will not be held in the same country or region. The General Committee shall at each meeting determine the place of the next meeting, and whenever possible, the likely venue of the meeting six years hence will also be decided.
- Any group wishing to host a future ISVEE scientific meeting shall present a proposal (bid) to the General Committee at the Society meeting six years in advance of the proposed meeting. Requirements for the presentation and content of such a proposal are given in Addendum A below. A provisional decision on the venue shall be taken by a simple majority vote of the General Committee. The final decision on the venue shall be taken by the International Management Committee within one year after the provisional decision, subject to the presentation of a satisfactory progress report by the Organizing Committee to the General Committee 3 years in advance of the symposium.
- Membership of the ISVEE shall be open to all persons who are interested in the objectives of the Society. A list of all attendees at the previous two meetings, and others who wish to be on the members list will be maintained by the secretariat. Normally a person’s name will be removed from the list if that person has not attended a Society meeting in the past six years, unless he/she requests otherwise. National veterinary epidemiology and economics societies are requested to provide the name and address of a member who can be a contact person between the International Management Committee and that society.
- The ISVEE is presided over between meetings by an International Management Committee (IMC) of at least five persons. This Committee manages the general affairs of the Society, and advises the National Organising Committee for the next meetings as required.
- The IMC is elected by the General Committee at each regular meeting, and should have broad geographical representation. The IMC normally will consist of a chairperson, a secretary, and no more than six additional members, of whom one will be elected by the IMC as vice-chairperson. Normally, no more, than two members of the IMC may be residents of any one country. One member of the IMC is to be elected as the person responsible for organizing the next scientific meeting, and will serve as the Secretary of the IMC for the three-year period prior to this meeting. Retiring members may be re-elected to the Committee. Normally, the Secretary of the current meeting will become the Chairperson of the next IMC.
- The IMC and the person responsible for the next meeting shall ensure that a suitably representative National/Regional Organizing Committee(s) is established within the host country for organizing and conducting the next meeting.
- The National/Regional Organising Committee shall be solely responsible for the financial management of the meeting it is convened to arrange. The Organizing committee shall provide the IMC with a summary of financial accounts within 8 months of the end of the meeting; these accounts will be summarised and presented to the next General Meeting for approval. If, following a scientific meeting, a surplus of funds exists, this surplus is to be forwarded by the existing Organising Committee to the Organising Committee for the next meeting, unless otherwise approved by the General Committee. Normally, these funds will be used to support future ISVEE meetings.
- Information about Society activities shall be publicised through appropriate scientific journals, through contact with national veterinary epidemiology and economics associations, and through material distributed to members.
- Proposals for altering the Statutes must be provided, in writing, to the Chairperson of the IMC at least two days prior to the General Meeting. Changes to the Statutes of the Society may be approved by a two-thirds majority of ISVEE members present at a meeting of the General Committee.
Addendum A
Requirements for a proposal to host a scientific meeting of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE)
The International Management Committee of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) invites proposals for the hosting of ISVEE. A Symposium is held every three years and consecutive meetings should not be held in the same region.
Proposals for the hosting of ISVEE XV will be presented at the ISVEE business meeting six years in advance. It is expected that at least two delegates from the proposing country or region should attend this meeting to present their proposal. The proposal should consist of a presentation of no longer than 15 minutes, which should include at least the following:
- Evidence of support from national veterinary authorities, agricultural and veterinary organizations, and the relevant local or regional veterinary epidemiology association or society, wherever possible
- The names and portfolios of the proposed Local Organizing Committee. Although this need not be complete, it should include at least the name of the Chair of the Organizing Committee and the Chair of the Scientific Committee, a list of the portfolios and evidence that sufficient suitable people will be available to fill them
- The names and affiliations of any others involved in the preparation of or support of the proposal
- Detailed description of the proposed venue, including access, conference centre facilities, and availability of hotel accommodation within reasonable proximity to the venue and at a range of prices
- Proposed date and justification thereof
- An outline of the proposed scientific programme
- An outline of the proposed social programme
- A preliminary budget
- Ways in which attendance and participation by delegates from developing countries will be encouraged and facilitated
Groups considering submitting a proposal are requested to inform the ISVEE IMC as soon as possible.